Sunday, June 7, 2009

"SandCastle Sirens"

June 6th and 7th, 2009

and the

marché dans le jardin

"Market In The Garden"
On romantic Coronado Island, Ca.
Sunday June 7th '2009
This Big, Beautiful Event to benefit Jane Pollock's Charity "Art Takes A Village".
Shop for beautiful antiques and handmade artisan pieces.
This beautiful beach front home was the setting for a day filled with shopping,
friendship and delicious food.

Jackie and Bet enjoying the afternoon

The shells and the jewels, Haute Couture

Ladies powder room niceties and flowers

Vintage signage

Glamarella Junk

Beautiful hearts

Val's Art Studio and various other vendors;
Vintage Bliss, Breathing Beside Us, Mamma Bella Arte,
A Little of This That and the Other, to mention a few.

Sun hats, furniture and clothing

Antiques extraordinaire

Lovelies of every kind

Starfish and pewter charms

Beautiful, whimsical paintings and jewelery

The event was a huge success and the treasures everyone brought away from the day were "keepsakes and friendships". Jane and Melanie, kudos for such a great event for "Art Takes A Village". Bravo!

postscript: Wish I had taken my good camera...took these with my iPhone in bright light...not the best pics, but you can see all the goodies!


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