Sunday, March 31, 2013

It's been a long year!  After my move to Florida, I had to undergo surgery on my back.  I injured it in the move, a fractured vertebrae and a herniated disc.  It took 3 months to arrange the surgery, then another 3 months to move without pain, almost a year on pain killers and I finally stopped taking the pills.  Then came unpacking!!!  For the past 3 months I have unpacked and tried to reorganize...a lot of work but still exciting to finally get my life in order.

One really nice thing that happened this year was being named "HOME OF THE MONTH"!  I landscaped and painted my house, did a lot of minor repairs and I WON!!!  Thanks to everyone that voted for me!  I love my new home.

Other events of the new year...daughter, Deb, and family moved to Hawaii!  OMG...I'm so excited for them.  I moved 3000 miles closer to the east coast where they lived (son, John, and family also live on the east coast) and they moved 6000 miles in the other direction!  We knew it was probably going to happen when Steve took the new position.  Such an awesome move!  I've already booked my flight to visit them next month and we have 'Face Time' on our iPhones so I get to see the kiddies any day I'd like! The 6 hour time difference is a bit of a problem, trying to connect without it being the middle of the night!

The guest room is empty...ready for visitors!  Come on down...the weather and the water are fine!

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