Saturday, January 23, 2010


This has been the week from HELL! It has rained, almost non-stop for 1 week in SUNNY CALIFORNIA! "Will it ever stop," was repeated over and over by everyone you met on the street.

(I clipped this cartoon from the Sunday Comics
on 4/26-I think we had a little shower!
It seemed to fit our recent weather just right!)

After a couple of days of getting soaked trying to run errands and do grocery shopping, I decided to just stay home the last 3 days and wait out the storm. It was a great opportunity to clean out file drawer and sort through tons of paper, old bills and receipts, etc. that needed to be organized and a lot that needed to be thrown out! Also, a little organizing of crafts in between and attending to my clipped recipe files.

These were my sentiments, EXACTLY! I complained as much as everyone else did, and said, "I'm going to do a SUN DANCE!"
And it worked! By today it had finally stopped and the sun was shinging once again! What a welcome sight.

POETRY indeed!

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