My latest venture, creating collage pages for an 8x12 book which is being published this week. The recipes, taken from my grandmother, were written down in a school composition book by my mother. I would add to the book, my own copied recipes and clipped recipes from magazines on any of the blank pages, whenever my mom would let me!The cover is a picture of me at 9 years old and my grandmother's
house in Detroit, Michigan. I remember fondly, the house where
I learned to cook a lot of our family recipes.
The following is the forward in the book...I used an old typewriter
font which is indicative of the 40's.
Each page has a recipe and a picture, making it more personable. It's
so nice for people to be able to put a face with the recipe.
My grandmother Morneau and me, a day at Belle Isle Park in Michigan.
This was the day I had my picture taken for my 1st birthday.
My mother and me, a day in the park.
Four generations of cooks from Indiana to Michigan to California.
Grandma Descoteaux passed on when I was only 8 years old, but I remember her and how hard she worked cooking on that old wood burning stove.
My dad made this box sled for me so I could keep warm and I wouldn't fall out!
(Don't forget to click on any picture for an up close and personal look!)
Mom is wearing the latest faux fur
collar and I have on my new
snow suit for winter.
Grandma Morneau wore such a stylish winter coat and hat.
Mom and me on the swing at Great GrandmaBouchie's house in Indiana.
Learning to walk, I loved my Kiddie Kar!
Mom loved those striped socks and I loved being held by her!
I'm only a few weeks old in this snapshot.
This is my rocking chair, made for me by my father in 1938 before I was born!
Peter Pan holds a special place in my heart (click on the picture and read the story behind it.)
My first Holy Communion picture and in the background is part of our huge garden next to the house.
(Don't forget to click on any photo to see it up close and personal.)
Recipes were written on old phone bills and
on tablets used to write a lumber list!
These are a few of the pages from the book. I hope you enjoyed them.
Postcript: Thanks to my son, Robert, for helping with the resolution of the pages so they could be printed 8x12 with a full bleed. He's my hero!The book is being published by SNAPFISH .~~~~